Transparent BG

Your Egg Donation Story Matters!

After years in the egg donation niche, we’ve learned that the clearer donors are about why they are donating their eggs, the more streamlined the process will be. Also, recipients of your eggs enjoy learning as much as they can about the generous woman who so graciously gave of herself to help perfect strangers, so your words, your story, and your intentions will mean the world to them.

3 Reasons Women Like You Donate Their Eggs

Here are three important reasons our Donor Egg Network donors choose to work with us.

1.You bring everlasting joy by helping to complete a family

Many young women considering egg donation know someone personally who has struggled with infertility and, hopefully, the joy their friend or family member experiences when they finally achieve pregnancy.   Recipient families are forever grateful to their donors for the ultimate gift of helping them complete their families. Whether you have not yet started your own family, are between pregnancies, or finished, you are able to donate eggs. The desire to help others while making an impactful and everlasting contribution to a family via egg donation is the primary reason young women choose to donate their eggs.

2. Financial Incentive

Egg donors are generously compensated for providing this wonderful “gift” to recipients.  Upon completion of the first cycle, compensation increases with subsequent cycles understanding that it is our goal to maximize the number of cycle opportunities for every donor in our program. Whether you are wanting to save for your future home, pay off college debt, or take a fabulous vacation, we hope to play a role in fulfilling your dreams, as well.

3. The egg donation process is easy, flexible, and relatively quick!

The first step upon completion of your donor profile is to schedule your initial screening to evaluate your fertility-related hormone levels and to confirm a sufficient follicle count.  Once the results are received, we will be able to discuss cycle opportunities for active recipients and egg banks. Secondary screening involves a genetic carrier status and infectious disease blood draws, and a standard psychological evaluation.  Once medically approved, a donor calendar is created to provide an outline of the two-week egg donation stimulation appointments and retrieval timeframe. In most cases, it is easy to work around your schedule. We understand that your education, family, and work commitments are important, as well as planned and well-deserved vacations.  At the beginning of each egg donation cycle, we review any potential scheduling conflicts, and schedule accordingly.  

Are you interested in learning more about the egg donation process and whether or not you’d make a great egg donor? Contact us here at the Donor Egg Network. Already know you were born to be an egg donor? Click Here to begin your online application.