What Birth Control Can I Use During Egg Donation?
If you’re planning to become an egg donor, it may be time to rethink your birth control plan. The good news is that you can use many forms of birth control, with a few exceptions.
Egg Donors & Birth Control: Take This, Not That
Before becoming an egg donor, you will undergo a thorough screening process to establish that you are a good candidate. You don’t have to be perfect, but you must meet all criteria. Once selected, you’ll need to follow the rules to ensure we can retrieve a sufficient number of healthy, viable eggs. One of the most frequently asked questions relates to the types of birth control that are allowed or not allowed during the egg donation process.
Note: Intercourse will Need to Stop for Part of Your Egg Donor Cycle
Regardless of which form of birth control you are using, you will need to stop intercourse for approximately three to four weeks during the egg donation process. This includes while you are injecting fertility hormones through the egg retrieval process, and for about two to three weeks afterward as you will be more fertile following the retrieval procedure. Clinics may suggest for you to use two forms of non-hormonal methods following retrieval to ensure you do not become pregnant via any remaining eggs that weren’t retrieved during your appointment.
Condoms, Diaphragms, & Spermicide: YES
Condoms, diaphragms, and spermicide are all fine to use as they don’t affect fertility hormone levels.
Birth Control Pills: Yes
Birth control pills are all okay because their hormonal effects on the body are timed in 24-hour intervals, which we can work with when it’s time to stimulate extra egg maturity for the egg retrieval process. However, there will come a time when you’ll need to stop taking the pill for a short duration.
Vaginal Ring (NuvaRing): Yes
While vaginal rings, such as the NuvaRing secrete progesterone and estrogen, they are more similar to the pill. The hormones cease to enter your system within 24-hours or so after removing the ring. You’ll be told when to remove the ring prior to ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval to prevent any hormone conflicts.
Non-Hormone IUDs: Yes
IUDs that do not excrete hormones are also okay while donating eggs. These have no impact on ovulation cycles and can remain in place.
Hormonal IUDs (Mirena): No
Mirena and other IUDs that use hormones in addition to uterine disruption are not allowed in most clinics This is because the hormones conflict with the medications used to stimulate the ovaries. You will most likely need to have your hormonal IUD removed and replaced with a copper or other type of non-hormonal IUD prior to initiating a egg donation cycle.
Hormonal Implants (Nexplanon): No
Similar to Depo-Provera shots, hormonal birth control implants regulate hormones on a long-term basis. You’ll need to have the implant removed and switch to an approved-egg donor birth control for at least three months before becoming an egg donor.
The Donor Egg Network Tells You Everything You Need to Know
The Donor Egg Network is here to support your every step of the way. We highly value the contribution you’re making to individuals and couples around the world. Therefore, we provide all of our donors with clear and detailed instructions about what they can and can’t do before, during, and immediately after the egg donation cycle.
Have questions or want to learn more about whether your birth control can be used as an egg donor? Contact Us online. We look forward to hearing from you. Ready to apply?